Exploring Membership at Aldersgate
If you are interested in joining us on our journey here at Aldersgate, we would love to hear from you. You can find answers to some commonly asked questions below.
First Steps
- Please help us to get to know you by printing and filling out this Member Data Sheet for your household.
- Pick up and fill out a Ministry Interest Survey for each adult or teenager at the church to determine some ways that you may become active in the life of Aldersgate. Take your time and prayerfully consider the options and return it to the church office.
- Sign up for the monthly Aldersgate Experience email newsletter and/or the Aldersgate Weekly Calendar email. (Some hard copies of the Aldersgate Experience are available at the Welcome Center.)
- If you have decided that you want to join the church, please contact Haley in the church office to let her know, and a pastor will be in touch.
How Do I Join Aldersgate?
While you are not required to become a member of Aldersgate UMC to worship with us, we do offer many ways for you to join our church family, if you desire. You may indicate your interest to join by marking the attendance registration pad found in each pew during worship services, talking to a pastor, or calling the church office at 316-722-8504.
You may transfer your membership to Aldersgate. If you are a member of another congregation of the United Methodist Church, you will be received by Transfer of Membership. It is not necessary that you have your church letter before being received into membership; the church office will write and secure a Certificate of Transfer for you.
If you are a member of another Christian Denomination, you will again be received by a Transfer of Membership. A second baptism is not necessary. As you unite with us, you will be asked the question of loyalty: “Will you be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
Affiliate Membership offers you the ability as a Methodist to retain ties to your home church. Aldersgate will provide your pastoral care and oversight. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in all church activities and committees.
Associate Membership is given to those who are of another Christian Denomination and want to retain ties to their home church. As with Affiliate Membership, Aldersgate will provide your pastoral care and oversight. You, too, are welcome and encouraged to participate in all church activities and committees.
Any person desiring to confess their faith in Jesus Christ and wishing to live a Christian life may become a member of the United Methodist Church by Profession of Faith. You will be asked to declare your purpose by answering the following questions:
- Do you here in the presence of God and to this congregation renew the solemn promise and vow that you made, or was made in your name, at your baptism?
- Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and pledge your allegiance to His kingdom?
- Do you receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in the scriptures of the Old and New Testament?
- Do you promise according to the grace given you to live a Christian life and always remain a faithful member of Christ’s Holy Church?
We recognize the Sacrament of Baptism as administered by all Christian churches. If you have not previously been baptized, the pastor will administor the Sacrament prior to your Profession of Faith.
Am I Ready to Join?
- “As a member of Christ’s universal church, will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries?”
- “As a member of this congregation, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?”
By agreeing to them, you pledge to be in ministry, and to be stewards of God’s gifts with …
- Take time to pray for the ministries, the people, pastors, mission, and staff of Aldersgate.
- Aldersgate vows to pray for you as well! When you have a need, please let the church office know.
- We hope to see you during worship on Sunday morning. If we have missed you for four weeks in a row, you will receive correspondence from our Membership and Evangelism Committee, letting you know that you are missed!
- We hope to see you take part in a group/activity that feeds you, as well as one in which you feed others!
- We hope to see you during various fellowship opportunities so that we can grow as a family that knows and supports one another.
- We believe God brings each new member to Aldersgate for a reason! We hope you will share your gifts with the church.
- Aldersgate relies on the financial gifts of its members and constituents. Your pledges and offerings to the operating budget support the various ministries and missions of the church as well as operating expenses, including the mortgage payment.
- Opportunities also exist to support the church with financial gifts through special offerings, memorials, and even purchasing groceries.
- We pray that you will join the many Aldersgate members who serve this church with their time.
- We also pray that you will serve the larger community and world.
- Be watching for volunteer opportunities to serve the church, and for mission opportunities to serve our community and world.
- Our witness brings together all these expressions of faith. When we use our prayers, presence, and gifts in service of God to others, we act as witnesses to God’s redeeming love through Christ and as examples of how to live a life of Christian discipleship.
How Can I Support the Church?
Aldersgate relies heavily on volunteers in all areas of the church. You may choose to support the church by singing in the choir, teaching a Bible study or Sunday school class, being a youth sponsor, or helping in the church office. See some of our volunteer opportunities.
Our weekend offerings support our Operating Budget, which covers everything from utilities to maintenance, the mortgage, staff and clergy salaries, missions, worship, and programs. You are encouraged to complete a yearly pledge card so that the church can plan its budget based on monies expected to be received. These offerings may be turned into the offering plate, mailed to the church office, or even given electronically.
You can buy stuff and help out the church at the same time! By registering your Dillons cards, some of your total purchase comes back to the church.
One way to honor the life of your loved one is to offer a memorial gift to the church in his or her honor. In the past, memorial gifts have helped to purchase musical instruments, decorations, and furniture. No gift is too small.
Take time to pray for the ministries, the people, pastors, mission, and staff of Aldersgate. Aldersgate vows to pray for you as well! When you have a need, please let the church office know.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)
Other Questions
Q. Who do I contact?
Please see our Staff page for a list of the current clergy and staff.
Q. I have another question …
Many questions are answered on our page for newcomers.
Please feel free to call the church at 316-722-8504 or use our Contact form to ask us a question.